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The Navagrahas (known as 9 planets, and are not planets in the actual sense) are worshipped in Hinduism for good luck, and to overcome bad luck. They are in most Hindu temples, and 7 dieties of the 9 correspond with 7 days of the week and correspond with 7 bodies  in the solar system.


Below is the description of each of the Navagrahas 


1. Surya (Sun): He is the sun god, and stands in the center facing east (since the sun rises in the east). The other 8 planets or 8 grahas stand around him in different directions. He rides a chariot that is pulled by 7 white horses (symbolizing the seven colors of white light, and the 7 days of the week).  He is considered the giver of life, and the ill placement of him in the horoscope can cause head aches, problems with the heart, blood pressure etc. Hence worshipping he sun would help with keeping a healthly life. Sunday is the day of the sun, and the gemstone for sun is Ruby.


2. CHANDRA (Moon): The Moon is a symbol of the mind, feminine nature, beauty and happiness. The mental stability and well being of an individual to a larger extent depends on the placement of moon in horoscope. The day of the Moon is Monday and gemstone is Pearl. An ill placement of the Moon can cause diseases like urinary infections, colitis, bronchitis, abdominal problems etc.


3. Mangala (Mars): Mars is often referred to as a ‘hot planet’ and protector of Dharma. Mars controls the muscular system of the body and also rules over nose, forehead and circulatory systems. The day of Mars is Tuesday and gemstone is Coral. An ill placement of Mars can cause accidents, blood clots, and inflammation of the lungs, typhoid and other blood disorders.


4. Budha (Mercury): Mercury is representation of ones intelligence and communication. This Planet governs the nervous system. The day of Mercury is Wednesday and gemstone is Emerald. An ill placement of Mercury can cause stammering, bronchitis, asthma, paralysis, nervous disorders, brain fever, nasal disorders etc.


5. GURU (Jupiter): Jupiter symbolizes knowledge, love and spirituality. The day of Jupiter is Thursday and the Gemstone is yellow sapphire. This planet rules the thighs, flesh, kidney, liver, fat and arterial system. An ill placement of Jupiter can cause diabetics, piles, tumors, liver malfunction, blood cancer, gout etc.


6. SUKRA (Venus): Venus symbolizes love and passion. The day of Venus is Friday and gemstone is Diamond. An ill placement of Venus can cause eye diseases, indigestion, skin rashes, pimples, impotency, venereal diseases etc.


7. SANI (Saturn): Saturn is often referred to as a ‘dark planet’ and symbolizes longevity, misery, grief and old age. The day of Saturn is Saturday and the gemstone is Blue Sapphire. An ill placement of Saturn can cause asthma, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, impotency, TB etc.


8. RAHU (Shadow planet - Snake's head): Rahu does not have any special day dedicated to it. According to Hindu Mythology Rahu swallows the Sun or the Moon, causing eclipses. When Rahu is afflicted, one faces several miseries and obstacles in the way of success. The gemstone of Rahu is Gomedh.


9. KETU (Shadow plaent - Snake's tail): Ketu does not have any specific day dedicated to it. According to Hindu mythology, Ketu is generally referred to as a "shadow" planet and descending lunar node. According to Vedic astrology, Ketu is the representation of karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. The Gemstone of Ketu is Cats Eye.


Note: The above article is based off 2 sources:






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